A hare might look very similar to a rabbit, but they are two very different species, with very different social structures. Nicole Wallace takes a look at how they differ

By The Wildlife Trusts

Published: Tuesday, 09 May 2023 at 12:00 am

Whilst exploring the British countryside, it’s likely you may have spotted a rabbit or brown hare, but did you realise that they are two different animals – and do you know which one you spotted? Although the two species belong to the same family, they are in many ways, world’s apart.

Both rabbits and hares were both introduced to the UK from Europe (rabbits by the Normans and hares by the Romans) but are now fully naturalised species. They are now widespread and accepted as an important part of the ecosystem in Britain, providing food for much of our native wildlife such as foxes, birds of prey, wildcats and badgers.

Are rabbits and hares related?

The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and brown hare (Lepus europaeus) are part of a group called the Lagomorphs (which also includes pikas) with the family name Leporidae, which translates from Latin as “Those that resemble lepus” (lepus meaning hare).

Being prey animals, both are highly alert and designed for speed to be able to make a quick getaway from predators, so if all you see is a frantic brown and white blur then it may be difficult to tell them apart. The key differences below should help you more easily make an identification next time you see one.


How to tell the difference between a hare and a rabbit

The most visually obvious difference between a hare and a rabbit is its size. Rabbits are much smaller than hares, measuring up to 40cm in length and weighing 1.2-2kg. In comparison, hares can reach up to 70cm and weigh from 2-5kg.

Colour-wise, hares are a grizzled russet brown with pale bellies, amber eyes, black-topped white tails and longer black-tipped ears. Rabbits are more of a grey brown, have shorter ears, dark brown eyes and a fluffy white cotton ball tail – which is what you see usually flashing as they dash off towards their warren.